Hand rearing
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Poor me :-( Tired me :-( All Part Of Breeding
Lily has inflamation of the bladder, she is on pain meds and antibiotics, this has left her with not as much milk and very uncomfortable, I was topping all babies up, then just Star, but now both Star and Holly, feeding them both every two hours 24/7 at the moment, so Im very tired and worn out, Im also working the morning, so coming home mid morning to feed them both then back to work. The boys are doing well, gaining lots, but seem to push the girls out when trying to feed as the boys are so much bigger. Both Star and Holly are doing well though :-) Star (named Star as she was the first born so named her Star for my Dad) when Star has had her milk I put her on my shoulder to wind her just like you would a real baby, she does a burp :-) then I give her a kiss before putting her back with Lily, when I give her a kiss her starts padding on my face :-) there is no feeling quite like it, she has just melted my heart :-) love her so much <3 Holly when feeding makes all these little sounds just like a new born baby :-) such a hungry baby girl :-) Im looking forward to starting them on solids in a weeks time, breeding can be so hard at times, hand rearing is real hard work, but when you succeed there really is no other feeling quite like it :-) Love my babies so much xxxx
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